Monday, December 24, 2012

appeal letter sample

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appeal letter sample


I am a student that has just finished the firstyearoftheCrimeSceneInvestigationprogram. I am writing to you to appeal a grade in Forensic investigation techniques(CSIN 1005) taught by Professor Jones. I feel that the grade was unfair for the following reasons. In late February, Prof Jones came into class and stated that we were too slow, and as a result, he would not have time to conduct the four tests that were planned. Instead, he said that he would have three tests.Thecourseinformationsheetindicated that the class was to have four tests (each worth 20%) with 10% for participation. Under the changed marking system, the final exam would be worth 40% of the final grade. Prof Jones also changed the final from a 1.5-hourtesttoa3-hourexam.Atthetime,I did not protest because I had achieved over80% on the first two tests.

Knowing the final examwould be worth 40% of the final grade, I studied a great deal for the final exam. Unfortunately,circumstancesbeyondmycontrolmadeitimpossiblefor meto pass the exam. Half way through the final exam, construction crews started to use a jackhammer outside the test room. This disruption destroyed my concentration. I had to leave with only half of the test written.I spent the rest of the afternoon in bed with a headache. I failed the exam and therefore the course.

After the exam, I approached the teacher and asked for a rewite, but he indicated that it would not be fair. I received 83% on both the first two mid-term tests, and 6/10 for participation. I ama good student, but do not feelthatmymarkisfairbecausetheexamweighting was changed, and the final examwas not conducted in a fair manner. I would like to have another opportunity to rewrite the final exam in order to prove that I can passthe course. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss this matter. I can be reached at555-5820


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